Women of Distinction
suggestions for women guests whom Charlie Rose might invite to his show - should he determine to play a gender-dynamic, rather than male-gender-biased reflective role, in our society.

webArt by Terry Bailey

In response to my webART essay, Charlie Rose and the Principle of Information as Mirror and Dynamo as it pertains to the existence and influence of women in the U.S., many have sent women guest suggestions for Charlie.

A few years ago, I was asked to give a speech at the California State League of Women Voters annual convention. My topic was affirmative action. One point I addressed was the challenge of getting men to hire women and minorities in positions of importance. When white men need to fill an important position they, naturally, call their white men friends for suggestions. They are not practicing overt sexism or discrimination in so doing, but the effect is still sexist and discriminatory, because, of course, their white male friends are going to suggest other white male friends of theirs. Clearly, Charlie Rose and his staff are more familiar and comfortable with successful white men, and that is what we see on his show. This tendency for all of us to choose people whom we know and are comfortable with is the entire crux of the need for affirmative action! Charlie, and staff - here are some suggestions.

Note: Women names listed are not to be construed as any type of endorsement, they are here simply to provide information about the vast number of thinking women available to be interviewed.

Women in Art
Guerrilla Girls
Judy L. Larson

Women in Music
Muriel Anderson

Women Stylists
Martha Stewart

Women in Education
Jo Sanders

Womens Rights Advocates
Ayaan Hirsi Ali
Betty Friedan
Gloria Steinman
Kim Gandy

Guerrilla Girls
Wangari Maathai
Kate Millett
Phyllis Chesler

Women in Labor Organizing
Susan L. Phillips
Linda Chavez-Thompson

Women in Science
Jane Goodhall
Janet Lycan
Jennifer Lewis

Women Philosophers
Ti-Grace Atkinson
Kate Millett

This is a new page! Click button to left and email your own suggestions! I'm working on the links, too -- Terry

Women Writers
Alice Adams
Isabel Allende
Maya Angelou
Ann Beattie
Rosella Brown
Annie Dillar
Kate Kehrer
Barbara Kingsolver
Bobbie Ann Mason
Alice McDermott
Sue Miller
Toni Morrison
Bharti Mukerite
Cynthia Ozzick
Nora Roberts
Judith Rossner
Arandati Roy
Amy Tan
Sherrie Tucker
Jenoyne Adams
Susan Faludi
Bernadette Murphy
Dr. Nawal Saadawy
Shulamith Firestone
Ellen Willis
Alix Kates Schulman

Women Journalists
Laurie Garrett
Amy Goodman
Katrina vanden Heuvel

Women Psychologists
Dr. Teresa Whitehurst
Dr. Wafa Sultan

Women Peace Leaders
Aung San Suu Kyi
Helen Caldicott
Jodie Evans
Jody Williams
Betty Williams
Shirin Ebadi
Rigoberta Menchú

Women in Government
Ellen Johnson Sirleaf
Aung San Suu Kyi
Barbara Boxer
Diane Feinstein
Laura Bush
Hilary Clinton
Sheila Kuehl
Gale Norton
Margaret Spellings
Elaine Chao
Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Sandra Day O'Connor
Dr. Nawal Saadawy
Stephanie Tubbs Jones
Michelle Bachelet Jeria
Carolina Barco Isakson
Gro Harlem Brundtland
Silvia Cartwright
Helen Clark
Tarja Halonen
Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf
Elizabeth Odio Benito
Sadako Ogata
Aung San Suu Kyi
Leticia Shahani
Vaira Vike-Freiberga

Women Humanists
Oprah Winfrey
Rigoberta Menchua

Women Environmental Activists
Wangari Maathai

Women in Human Rights
Louise Arbour
Nafis Sadik
Thoraya Obaid
Navanethem Pillay
Mervat Tallawy
Anna Tibaijuka

Click button above to send your suggestions for women guests to terry@mediabench.com. Women of distinction in literature, media, art, education, labor, government, music entertainment, science, child-rearing, culinary arts, architecture, medicine, psychology, business, sociology, the law, the environment, peace, journalism, religion, the non profit sector, anything!

Women of Distinction

Aung San Suu Kyi

Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf

© Terry Bailey 2005 - 2006 all rights reserved